Virginia Tech - Invent the Future Fermilab
International Neutrino Summer School (INSS) -  July 10-21, 2012 -  Virginia Tech Main Campus - Blacksburg, VA
About the Workshop

The 4th International Summer School on Neutrino Physics (INSS2012), co-hosted by Virginia Tech and Fermilab, will take place at Virginia Tech's Center for Neutrino Physics in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA from July 10th to July 21st, 2012.

The goal of this series is to train the next generation of neutrino physicists, and the curriculum covers many topics: introductions to both the Standard Model and oscillation phenomenology, accelerator and reactor neutrinos, neutrino cross sections, and neutrinos in cosmology, just to name a few. The target audience consists of graduate students and recent post-docs in both theory and experiment. We aim to cover the full breadth of neutrino physics over all energy scales. The school will comprise formal lectures as well as informal tutorial sessions and opportunities for students to present their own work.

The program features lectures on the following topics and from the following lecturers:

Introduction to the SM - Hisakazu Minakata (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Oscillation framework - Boris Kayser (Fermilab)
Neutrino mass models, including 0ν2β - decay and sterile neutrinos - Werner Rodejohann (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg)
Leptogenesis - Alejandro Ibarra (Technische Universität München)
Neutrinos in Cosmology - Yvonne Wong (RWTH Aachen)
Neutrinos in Astrophysics - Georg Raffelt (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich)
Majorana, Dirac and Absolute Mass Measurements - Ben Monreal (UC Santa Barbara)
Fundamentals of Neutrino Cross Sections - Gabe Perdue (University of Rochester)
Physics of Neutrino Detection - Tsuyoshi Nakaya (Kyoto University)
Accelerator Physics - Simone Gilardoni (CERN)
Solar Neutrinos - Gabriel Orebi Gann (UC Berkeley and LBNL)
Reactor Neutrinos - Karsten Heeger (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Atmospheric Neutrinos - Chris Walter (Duke University)
Accelerator Neutrinos - Kendall Mahn (TRIUMF)

Portrait of INSS Participants



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Virginia Tech - Invent the Future